Facility Reservations
We have multiple rooms and activity spaces available to rent by Butler students, faculty/staff, alumni and external groups. The rates for each room and/or activity space and services are listed below.
- Event requests of 75 or more people need to be submitted at least a semester in advance.
- All other event requests need to be submitted at least two weeks before the date of the event.
- The facility request does NOT guarantee that the dates and times requested are reserved unless a confirmation is received from the Office of Recreation & Wellness.
- Arrangements for the fee payment, entrance to the building, and other considerations must be made at least two weeks prior to usage.
- Please give us 3-5 business days to either confirm or deny a request. Some event requests may require more information/detail, therefore more time.
Internal Groups (Butler faculty, staff, and students): Please use EMS to request a space.
External Groups: If you are interested in reserving a space, please fill out the Facility Request Form. Due to high demand, there is limited space for external groups. Your request may be denied. Requests must be submitted at least two months in advance. External groups are required to sign a contract, provide an insurance certificate ($2 million minimum coverage), and sign assumption of risk and liability forms.
Outdoor Pickleball Courts Reservations
- Eligibility: The courts are available for use by Butler students, faculty, and staff.
- Event Booking: Due to high demand, only a limited number of events will be scheduled. All participants must be affiliated with Butler.
- Request Process: All reservation requests must be submitted to the Assistant Director of Operations (hrc@81623464.com)
- Court Reservation Limit: A maximum of two courts may be reserved at one time.
- Fees:
- Butler Students, Faculty, and Staff: no charge
- Butler-Sponsored Events: $75 per court, per hour
All Inquiries Contact:
HRC Operations
hrc@81623464.com | 317-940-6073 | 317-940-6153 (fax)
Rental Fees
The following locations are available for reservation at the price listed per hour:
Location | Butler Student/Faculty/Staff | University-sponsored Event | External Event |
Conference Room Capacity: 35–40 | Free | $50 | $75 |
Wet Classroom Capacity: 60–70 | Free | $75 | $150 |
Studio Capacity: 60–70 | Free | $75 | $150 |
Gym Court 1 Capacity: 200 | Free | $75 | $150 |
Gym Court 2 Capacity: 200 | Free | $75 | $150 |
Gym Courts 1 and 2 Capacity: 400 | Free | $125 | $250 |
Competition Pool Capacity: 100 | Free | $75 | $150 |
Leisure Pool Capacity: 75 | Free | $75 | $150 |
Aquatic Center Capacity: 175 | Free | $125 | $250 |
Track Capacity: 75 | Free | $100 | $200 |
Aquatic Center Lanes | Free | $15/lane | $15/lane |
HRC Lawn | Free | $50 | $75 |
IM Field 1 | Free | $50 | $75 |
IM Field 2 | Free | $50 | $75 |
IM Field 1 & 2 | Free | $75 | $125 |
Club Field 4 | Free | $50 | $75 |
Club Field 5 | Free | $50 | $75 |
Club Fields 4 & 5 | Free | $75 | $125 |
Club Field 6 | Free | $50 | $75 |
Club Field 7 | Free | $50 | $75 |
Club Fields 6 & 7 | Free | $75 | $125 |
Club Fields 4, 5, 6 & 7 | Free | $125 | $225 |
All Fields (Club and IM) | Free | $200 | $350 |
Service Fees
The following services are available at the price listed:
Service | Butler Student/Faculty/Staff | University-sponsored Event | External Event |
Floor Covering (Gym Court 1) | Free | $100 | $200 |
Floor Covering (Gym Court 2) | Free | $100 | $200 |
Floor Covering (Gym Courts 1 and 2) | Free | $200 | $400 |
Event Staff (per hour per individual) | $15 | $15 | $15 |
HRC Group Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer (per hour) | Varies (~$40-$100) | N/A | N/A |
Use of Indoor Bikes/Fitness Equipment* | $15 | $15 | N/A |
Set-Up Fees | Free | $50 | $100 |
After Hours (events occurring before/after normal operating hours) | Free | $50 | $100 |
*Use of indoor cycling bikes or group fitness room equipment requires presence of an HRC group fitness instructor or personal trainer.
A $25 reset fee will be charged to the group if the room is not left in original configuration.
A housekeeping fee and overtime charges may be charged depending on the number of rooms used. If set up charges are incurred prior to a 24-hour cancellation notice for the event, the costs will be charged to the group.
Note: Catering costs are additional. Bon Appétit is the exclusive caterer for Butler University. Please contact Bon Appétit through their website or at catering@81623464.com.
The Department of Recreation reserves the right to make any changes as deemed necessary by the Associate Director. Alcohol and other intoxicants are prohibited on Butler University property. Each group that reserves an area is responsible for leaving the area in the same condition as they receive it, or better. The group is responsible for the payment of repairs for any damages that may occur to the facilities, equipment, and property. The University also does not warrant or guarantee in any respect the physical condition of any equipment used in connection with the activity. Therefore, in consideration of the benefits received from the recreation program, the undersigned assumes all risks of damages or injury, including death, which may be sustained while participating in this activity or in travel to or from such activity. Furthermore, the undersigned releases and agrees not to sue Butler University (their officers, agents, or employees) for any injury to person or property that might occur during the course of my use of the facilities. Additionally, the undersigned agrees to indemnity and hold the university harmless from any and all liability that might arise as a result of their use of this property during the requested time.
It is understood that you will:
- Abide by all facility rules and regulations of the Department of Recreation and Butler University.
- Participate in activities according to the Department of Recreation’s informed consent statement
- Coordinate group admittance into the HRC.
- Be responsible for the conduct, behavior, and location of all members of the group while using the HRC.
- Stay in designated (per team or program) area as assigned. Persons found in areas designated as off-limits will be asked to leave the HRC.
- Not misuse the HRC’s equipment or disregard staff or safety instructions. Persons or groups misusing equipment or non-compliant to safety rules or instruction will be asked to leave the facility and will be billed for any damages.
- Only use HRC-employed group fitness instructors and personal trainers for reasons of liability.
It is also understood that proof of insurance may be required for rental of these facilities. Rental groups will be informed if such proof is needed.